Award Outcome for Transaction Based on Product SKU

This use case describes the workflow that qualifies a customer for a new loyalty outcome when they make a purchase for a specific item identified by its SKU. Once the purchase is made, SessionM determines if it generates enough points to satisfy the purchase behavior ruleset that governs how points-based or offer-based loyalty outcomes are awarded.

Outcomes can be awarded two ways:

  • Through a campaign.

  • As an outcome of a transaction or event configured via economy rules.

The scenario presented in this use case features both points-based and offer-based outcomes that are awarded for a customer's purchase of a specific product SKU.

Customer Journey

One helpful way of understanding this use case is to consider how it reflects the customer's experience, or journey, in the "real world."

Customer visits local burrito shop

Customer interacts with staff and is looked up, or identified, via POS system located at register

SessionM returns customer profile and wallet to middleware, which, in turn, displays information to customer

Customer purchases large chicken burrito and transaction is sent to SessionM via POS and middleware

SessionM evaluates purchase against economy or campaign rules

Qualified customer is awarded loyalty outcome (points or offer)

Platform Configuration

Before implementing this use case, ensure the following have been configured:


Customer created. Note that customers can also be created via API and via the SM Sync tool; for more information on SM Sync consult your SessionM team.


Campaign configured to promote specific product SKU(s) or product category.

Behaviors defined for campaign that identifies specific SKUs that are eligible for loyalty outcome - points or offers.

Economy Rules

Rules governing purchase behaviors that must be met to achieve loyalty outcomes available within a specific tier level.

Loyalty Outcomes

Outcomes that use point accounts and point sources as well as offers must be configured.

Store and Product Catalogs

Store and product catalogs must be loaded into SessionM via SM Sync. For more information, consult your SessionM team.

Sequence Diagram

See the overall flow for this use case below.

CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CLIENT MIDDLEWARE CLIENT MIDDLEWARE SESSIONM SESSIONM LOOK UP CUSTOMER 1 Approach store register 2 Look up customer 3 Search for customer by identifier 4 Return success message, customer profile and wallet 5 Display customer profile and wallet FINALIZE AND SEND PURCHASE TRANSACTION 6 Purchase item(s) and finalize associated transaction Option 1: Without Offer 7 Send transaction Option 2: With Offer Option 2A: Lock Offer 8 Lock offer Option 2B: Redeem Offer Immediately 9 Redeem offer 10 Return success message 11 Send transaction 12 Enqueue transaction job 13 Return success message 14 Display success message Option 3: Economy Rules 15 Check transaction against economy ruleset 16 Award customer point or offer outcome Option 4: Campaign Rules 17 Check transaction against campaign ruleset 18 Award customer point or offer outcome


This use case diagram contains multiple tasks, each one depicted in its own color-coded section. For more information, see the overview below.

  1. Look Up Customer (Use Case Events #1 - #5)

    A convenient means for looking up an existing customer.

  2. Finalize and Send Purchase Transaction (Use Case Events #6 - #18)

    Efficient way to send transaction and also allow for optional rule checks that qualify a loyalty outcome for purchase transactions.

Best Practices

Ensure that catalogs are sent in full via SM Sync. Bear in mind that deltas for stores or product catalogs not supported. For more information, consult your SessionM team.